Staff Spotlight on Monica Thoma | Rowell Family Empowerment

Staff Spotlight on Monica Thoma

Staff Spotlight on Monica Thoma


Monica has been in charge of respite services at Rowell Family Empowerment since 2006. As the Respite Supervisor, her phone rings off the hook almost literally. We convinced her to ignore the phone for a few minutes while we pried into her personal life  :-)


Monica Thoma

RFENC: What brought you to Rowell Family Empowerment?
Monica Thoma: My son, Alix. And Alix had taught me so much because we came here when he was 3. And the knowledge he gave me and taught me I wanted to turn around and share with other families to make a difference in their life.

RFENC: What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing you could tell a new parent?
MT: Get connected with Rowell Family Empowerment. Prayer. And find a parent that you connect with and share your experience with them.

RFENC: What kind of activities do you enjoy?
MT: I enjoy spending time with my son. I enjoy running, swimming. I enjoy opera. I enjoy getting together with a girlfriend and laughing. Silence, prayer and walking… I get “chills” when helping a family that has a child with a developmental disability find a connection to make a difference in their life.

RFENC: In your life who is touched by diverse ability?
MT: I would have to say my first exposure to someone with a diverse ability was in the 8th grade and they were looking for people to volunteer in a school setting to work with people with developmental disabilities. And I said, “Yes.” And then… Alix, my son.

RFENC: What’s your philosophy on life?
MT: Love one another. Look for the good in one another. Find the persons’ gift and encourage that gift. Remain humble through life’s journey. Keep an open mind. Be discerning in your answers. Give people the benefit of the doubt. I tend to want to help the person that’s the underdog.

RFENC: If you won $2 million what would you do with it?
MT: Wow, that’s a lot of money. Oh, the difference that could make… I would find organizations that I believe in and donate it to families with children with disabilities.

RFENC: If a crow with only one wing is flying North in the winter at an average speed of 10 MPH, how long would it take to drive to Cuba?
MT: (Laughing) I don’t know!!! You’re crazy! That’s a crazy question. What does that have to do with anything! (Laughing)



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