Staff Spotlight on Theresa Rivera | Rowell Family Empowerment

Staff Spotlight on Theresa Rivera

Staff Spotlight on Theresa Rivera

Theresa has been in various roles with us since 2006. Currently she’s our only Bilingual Parent Consultant on staff. Thankfully, she was gracious enough to answer these questions in English.  :-)


Theresa Rivera

RFENC: What brought you to Rowell Family Empowerment?
Theresa Rivera: I was working for 3 different schools and a Spanish teacher that I worked with gave me an announcement for the job. And it stayed in the back of my planner until almost the end of the school year and then I said, “Oh shoot! I need to apply for the job!” So I fell in love with the passion that Rowell has for the families and I saw a real need to help the Hispanic community.

RFENC: What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing you could tell a new parent?
TR: That you’re not alone. Especially, a mono-lingual Spanish family needs to know there are lots of other families out there that have walked down similar paths and we offer many avenues for families to reach other people. So it can be through our training calendars, spanish speaking support groups and other one-on-one, parent-to-parent connections.

RFENC: What kind of activities do you enjoy?
TR: I enjoy playing with my little ones on the floor and I enjoy going to the park with my kids and I enjoy cooking for my family. And I enjoy seeing my grandma too!

RFENC: In your life who is touched by diverse ability?
TR: My husband and I are raising a blended family of six kids and all of them are unique in their own way. Two of them have needs that require more attention.

RFENC: What’s your philosophy on life?
TR: Well, my grandmother taught me to take one day at a time and to show up every day whether you’re exhausted or tired or have a lot going on. Just show up and that’ll get you through. In Spanish we say “¡Échele Ganas!” and that’s what I tell my kids before they go to school. That means to try your best and work your hardest.

RFENC: If you won $2 million what would you do with it?
TR: I would pay off my college loans. I would buy my grandma a house. And I would invest my money so that my husband and I could retire someday.

RFENC: If a crow with only one wing is flying North in the winter at an average speed of 10 MPH, how long would it take to drive to Cuba?
TR: That doesn’t make any sense! (laughing) A crow with one wing doesn’t fly!



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