Staff Spotlight on Emily Comer | Rowell Family Empowerment

Staff Spotlight on Emily Comer

Staff Spotlight on Emily Comer

Emily is one of our Parent Consultants and she works with parents of children 8 to 13 years old. She’s been at RFENC since mid-2018.


Emily Comer

RFENC: What brought you to Rowell Family Empowerment?
Emily Comer: Well, I first came here to get help with my daughter’s IEP. I was very overwhelmed so I took some of the trainings that were offered and worked with one of the parent consultants. And then I wanted to help families in the same way, so here I am.

RFENC: What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing you could tell a new parent?
EC: That they are their child’s most important advocate. When they ask a qustion and don’t get an answer – ask someone else until you find out what you need to know.

RFENC: What kind of activities do you enjoy?
EC: I enjoy spending time outdoors; camping, hiking, kayaking. I enjoy spending time with my family and my dogs. I start a lot of hobbies and they seem to fizzle out. (laughing) I like trying new ones though. I especially enjoy setting up projects for my husband to do around the house.

RFENC: In your life who is touched by diverse ability?
EC: It probably started with my brother who had severe learning disabilities in school. Now… both of my kids.

RFENC: What’s your philosophy on life?
EC: I don’t know that I have a philosophy on life. (laughing) However, even though it sounds corny, treat others as you would like to be treated. I don’t know – I think it will all turn out. It will all turn out in the end.

RFENC: If you won $2 million what would you do with it?
EC: I would pay off my bills. I would travel with my family. And I would love to setup a literacy center where people could come to read even if they can’t afford to pay for it. Adults or kids. That’s currently a dream of mine.

RFENC: If a crow with only one wing is flying North in the winter at an average speed of 10 MPH, how long would it take to drive to Cuba?
EC: I’m gonna say… When you ask me a real question I’ll give you a real answer. (laughing)



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