Staff Spotlight on Christine Jensen | Rowell Family Empowerment

Staff Spotlight on Christine Jensen

Staff Spotlight on Christine Jensen


Christine has been with Rowell Family Empowerment since… Well, she was here once before and then left. Most recently we nabbed her in 2010 and this time we’ve managed to hold onto her. Christine is our Fiscal Assistant.  :-)  We’ll let her explain the rest.


Christine Jensen

RFENC: What brought you to Rowell Family Empowerment?
Christine Jensen: Help for my child… The first time or second time? (Laughing) The first time was because I opened my big mouth with CCS (Editor’s note: That’s California Children’s Services)! I needed more medical resources for Taylor. I ended up getting on a committee with CCS and helped design the Medical Home Binder, which Rowell was a part of. And then Kat hired me to do the trainings to the families. Then I left due to the birth of my child. That made it three kids under five! The second time was help for Taylor in getting him assessed and getting him an IEP. Rowell was hiring the day I called to talk to Wendy. I wasn’t looking for a job, but Rowell needed help with bookkeeping.

RFENC: What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing you could tell a new parent?
CJ: Don’t take no for an answer. And that they have control. And if you don’t like who’s on your team, change the team. Get new team players.

RFENC: What kind of activities do you enjoy?
CJ: Cooking, sewing, crafting, family time.

RFENC: In your life who is touched by diverse ability?
CJ: My son, friends’ kids, families.

RFENC: What’s your philosophy on life?
CJ: Plan for the worst, hope for the best, and get something in between. And you’re good. (Smiling) And to be thankful to God for what you have.

RFENC: If you won $2 million what would you do with it?
CJ: I would find a way to keep making money so I could help people out and do things. I’d be a good rich person. So I could just step in and do things for people that I can’t do now. I don’t see myself going out and buying a whole bunch of stuff for myself.

RFENC: If a crow with only one wing is flying North in the winter at an average speed of 10 MPH, how long would it take to drive to Cuba?
CJ: (Laughing) I don’t care. I don’t like critical thinking questions and there’s too many variables! (Laughing) There’s no sugar-coating here. This isn’t the candy factory!



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