Meet Our New Director | Rowell Family Empowerment

Meet Our New Director

Meet Our New Director

Please join us in congratulating our new Executive Director, Gina Grecian!

Rowell Family Empowerment’s board of directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Gina Grecian as Executive Director. Gina began her new position as of January 2019. The board has the fullest confidence that she will use her years of nonprofit and leadership experience to foster agency growth and build upon the legacy and vision of our founders.

Gina has been a Program Manager here at RFENC for a number of years. In that role she has been instrumental in helping to grow the agency programs and increase funding. She will continue to work on capacity-building and expanding the agency into the future as we continue to serve families of children with disabilities and even strive to serve them better.

In her own words Gina says:
“This is what I was meant to do. Being a parent of a son with autism is a gift. He has guided me along this journey to where I am today. I am grateful to have a career where I have a positive impact, and am able to share my unique experience with other parents and professionals. Through my 13 years at RFENC, I have accomplished many things that have promoted system change, through training and forming connected collaborative partnerships throughout northern California, statewide, and at the national level. Working together is the key to meaningful change that creates a true impact in the communities we serve. Born and raised here in northern California, I know that each county and their many communities are all unique in what they need and what it takes to support those needs. I enjoy teaching and supporting others as they learn and put their new skills into action. I must say, my favorite part about working at RFENC is being part of a culture that creates positive outcomes and system change that leads to growth and progress – locally, statewide, and at the federal level.”

Please join the staff in welcoming Gina to her new position as RFENC Executive Director! Feel free to call and fill up her voicemail with well-wishes. :-)

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