Staff Spotlight on Shane Nurnberg | Rowell Family Empowerment

Staff Spotlight on Shane Nurnberg

Staff Spotlight on Shane Nurnberg


Shane is the sole male at Rowell Family Empowerment. He’s our technology guy and he’s also the guy we call upon to kill bugs and catch lizards in the office. He has been with us since 2006. Here are his answers to our 7 questions.



RFENC: What brought you to Rowell Family Empowerment?
Shane Nurnberg: My son, Braden (Editor’s Note: Pronounced “Brad Inn”). He has autism and he’s 13. But he was 3 back when I first walked through the doors here, so we were in our first IEP meeting and the school district wasn’t being cooperative. I was mad and frustrated and I heard that Rowell Family Empowerment could help. Many months later I convinced Kat they needed a guy like me working here.

RFENC: What, in your opinion, is the most valuable thing you could tell a new parent?
SN: Get connected with our agency! Get plugged in! I wish I knew about this place when my son was first diagnosed. Then maybe I would’ve came here instead of looking for a bar. There’s no place like this.

RFENC: What kind of activities do you enjoy?
SN: Stamp collecting, quilting, bingo… (laughing) Just kidding! I like basketball. I like playing the game and I like watching college hoops. Beer and basketball go well together. But let’s face it – I’m married. I don’t get to play or watch basketball very much. I enjoy doing WHATEVER as long as my family is there.

RFENC: In your life who is touched by diverse ability?
SN: Didn’t we already cover this question? My son, Braden. 13. Autism. Next question.

RFENC: What’s your philosophy on life?
SN: My philosophy on life? Honestly? Read scripture, pray, and rely on God’s faithfulness. Only what’s done for Christ will last. My philosophy on life is to put God in the center and focus on Him.

RFENC: If you won $2 million what would you do with it?
SN: First, I’d probably complain that I didn’t win $10 million. Then I would consult with my wife. (Laughing) I told you I was married, right? I’m sure she wouldn’t object to me paying off our house and all other bills immediately. But from there, I’d need to consult with my wife. I think I’d need to consult with her in Hawaii behind the closed doors of a lavish suite in a swanky hotel with a view of the beach. Yeah, that’d probably be a good idea. Then, without the distractions of this world, she could tell me what to do with the remainder of the 2 mill.

RFENC: If a crow with only one wing is flying North in the winter at an average speed of 10 MPH, how long would it take to drive to Cuba?
SN: Wait a minute, wait a minute… This answer depends on SOOOO many factors. Who’s driving? What are they driving? And HOW IN THE WORLD ARE THEY GONNA DRIVE TO CUBA WHEN IT’S AN ISLAND!?!?! (Laughing) Is someone gonna erect a bridge from Florida to Cuba or something? And who cares about this crow? If it only has one wing it’s dead anyhow. Somebody’s gonna drive this dead bird to Cuba?!?!?! (Laughing) OK, wait. It’s gonna take 14.5 million years. That’s my answer. Because by then maybe continental drift would’ve caused Cuba to drift right into the U.S. and somebody can drive the dead bird.



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